Access to Care
Access to Care
A Collaborative Effort to Amplify Digital Mental Health Awareness and Access
With long wait times to access specialty mental health, high costs of privately delivered mental health care, and cultural barriers, evidence-informed digital mental health tools and programs have emerged to expand awareness and access to mental health...
Access to Care
World Patient Safety Day 2021: Digital Health for Perinatal Care
This year’s theme for World Patient Safety Day is “Safe Maternal and Newborn Care.” Earlier this year, we held a podcast interview with Dr. Ariel Dalfen, Head of the Perinatal Mental Health and Perinatal Mental Health Telemedicine Programs at Mount...
Access to Care
Preparing for Fall with e-Mental Health Resources
As another school year begins and the summer winds down, many Canadians are checking in on their mental health. Infoway research has found that fewer Canadians self-reported “Excellent” or “Very Good” mental health status after the pandemic’s onset, and...
Access to Care
A New Resource for Digital Mental Health
Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) collaborated with Canada Health Infoway to develop a resource to support mental health clinicians and clients in introducing digital mental health tools into their care practice. This...
Access to Care
New Channels for Digital Health Research
Underpinning digital health adoption and implementation is a substantial amount of digital health research. At Infoway, we conduct research into the value of digital health tools and services and the resources that help enable them. This work helps...
Access to Care
Re-Examining the Social Determinants of Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has concretely demonstrated the impact that social factors can have on health and health equity. Health inequities occur when a person experiences poorer outcomes and quality of care based on who they are, where they live or what...
Access to Care
Canadian Men’s Health Month: Examining Access to Care
June is Canadian Men’s Health Month. Established by the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation, this month recognizes the importance of men’s health. This year’s theme is Move for Your Mental Health , encouraging men to get active to improve their physical...
Access to Care
Assessing Canadians’ Digital Health Literacy
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed rapid change in how Canadians engage with health care professionals. According to an Infoway survey , as of April 2021, 36 per cent of all patient-reported routine visits were conducted...
Access to Care
Connecting the Hospital and the Home
As digital health tools and services play an increasingly large role in Canadians’ lives, how we think about models of care delivery is changing. In some cases, health care is moving out of the four walls of the hospital and into the home. Recently, we...
Access to Care
#WeAnswerTheCall: National Nursing Week 2021
National Nursing Week occurs every year during the week of May 12: the birthdate of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. It celebrates the nursing profession and recognizes the dedication and contributions of nurses across Canada. This year’s theme is...
Access to Care
Mental Health Week 2021: Supporting Youth through e-Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just threatened Canadians’ physical health. It’s impacting mental health as well. According to Infoway research, mental health needs are increasing, with 21 per cent of Canadians reporting fair or poor mental health last...
Access to Care
How to Find PrescribeIT Near You
In a recent Infoway study, 80 per cent of respondents were interested in having their health provider send a prescription directly to their pharmacy, without receiving a paper prescription. With 40 per cent of primary care visits now occurring...
Access to Care
How e-Mental Health Tools Can Support Canadians — through COVID-19 and Beyond
COVID-19 has further exacerbated mental health concerns in Canada. In a recent study conducted by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), fewer people reported excellent (18 per cent) or very good (31 per cent ) mental health status in 2020 compared to 2019...
Access to Care
Why Virtual Care needs to be Inclusive
Nearly one year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, it is apparent that its effects have been disproportionately felt by Black and racialized Canadians. Research shows that Black people are more likely to contract COVID-19 than white people and are dying...
Access to Care
Unprecedented Times Call for Unprecedented Collaboration
As we acknowledge the one-year anniversary of the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, many of us will reflect on how this virus, that didn’t even exist eighteen months ago, has irrevocably changed our world. It’s astounding to think that every...
Access to Care
Let’s Talk: Accessing Support through e-Mental Health Services
Staying home and wearing masks is protecting our physical health — but it’s important to look after our mental health as well. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there is growing concern about Canadians’ mental health. According to a recent Infoway...
Access to Care
Addressing Health Care Inequities through Race-Based Data
A virus may not discriminate on its own, but systemic inequities mean that COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted racialized groups. Data from the United States and the United Kingdom show higher rates of negative health outcomes and deaths related to...
Access to Care
Beyond the Binary: Sex and Gender Information in EHRs
It’s unsettling, going unseen. Several years ago, I sat in an exam room with Kleenex scrunched in my fist. The clinician had just suggested a common procedure — except it wouldn’t be routine for me. Quite the opposite. As she did her best to offer...
Access to Care
The Right Data, the Right Decisions: Why Patients Need Access to Their Health Information
When it comes to health, little things can catch us by surprise. During a recent chat, my colleague Katie related, “I was hiking last summer when I cut myself on dirty metal. Just a random accident, my hand hit a railing wrong.”
Access to Care
Improving Access to Care for Canadians: Infoway’s Plan for 2019-2020
Follow @MGreenonHealth A few months ago, Infoway launched a movement called ACCESS 2022 to inspire a new day for health care in Canada. We envision a future where all Canadians have access to their health information through the availability and use of...