Clinicians and Digital Health Leaders Say Driving Interoperability Forward is a High Priority for Canada
The valuable insights we gathered from our recent study will help Infoway and our partners overcome interoperability challenges so patients, clinicians and our health system can realize the benefits of more connected care.
Infoway Insights: An Innovative Way to Learn About Digital Health
Infoway has conducted annual surveys of Canadians for many years, to gauge awareness, attitudes, use and adoption of digital health. Learn how our Infoway Insights website makes this research more accessible to health system stakeholders.
Our Ideal Future Starts Today: World Health Day 2021
Follow @12Maloney Each year, April 7 marks World Health Day. With the past year marked by the global struggle against COVID-19, the occasion has never been more significant. The pandemic’s impact has been devastating and swift; not one person or nation...
Promising Increase in the Use of Virtual Care Technologies by Canadian Nurses
Nurses comprise the largest proportion of Canada’s health care providers. The most recent data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)’s Nursing in Canada, 2019 survey reveals that the regulated nursing workforce grew by 1.9 per cent...
Environmentally Sustainable Health Care
What happens when a pandemic meets a heat wave? It’s a question that many jurisdictions are asking themselves this summer, weighing the need for emergency cooling centres against the continued need for physical distancing. This intersection between...
Patient Access to their Health Information is Growing — but there is Still Work to be Done
In 2014 Infoway published “ Understanding the Gap Between Desire for and Use of Consumer Health Solutions .” This analysis revealed that while eight in 10 Canadians wanted access to their personal health information, only four per cent had accessed it...