The Continuous Foresight Process: Infoway Would Like Your Help to Look into the Future of Health Care
It’s been an unprecedented time for health care, and innovation has helped support Canadians and the health system through COVID-19 and its challenges. Technology has played an important role in ensuring that Canadians can continue to access the care...
Upgrading Skills with the PrescribeIT Learning Centre
Our world is changing, and health care is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a swift pivot towards digital health tools. Secure messaging, virtual videoconferencing, remote patient monitoring platforms and other digital health technologies...
Getting Ready for a Quantum Future
Quantum computing no longer belongs to the realm of science fiction. It’s advancing to more practical, demonstrated applications and concepts. And while it’s still developing, it has present-day implications for health care.
Consulting Canadians About the Future of Health Care
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve often found myself grateful for the tools and technologies that have helped us to keep living our lives while grappling with this unprecedented health crisis. While we’ve remained apart, technology has helped us...
Technical Innovation is the Solution, if you Target the Right Problem
Canada’s health care system is a source of pride for most Canadians. We see health care in Canada as a reflection of who we are as a country, embodying our aspirations of innovation, fairness, caring, efficiency, equality, professionalism and standards...
Bringing Health Care into the Future
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health care changed overnight. Old processes and business models were tossed out; our every assumption had to be questioned. While no one would ever wish for such an unprecedented public health emergency, there...
Kids Help Phone Crisis Texting Service Help Young People Avoid Emergency Department Visits
In our previous post , we discussed the expansion of Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone and the demographics of its users. Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is available across Canada. In just one year, there have been more than...
Supporting Young People with Mental Health Needs Through Kids Help Phone Enables Better Self Management
Over the past few years, Infoway has been investing in the expansion of Kids Help Phone services to young people in Canada. Kids Help Phone is the only 24/7, national support service in Canada that offers professional counselling, information and...
Innovative Digital Solutions for Mental Health Care
Canadians with mental health issues are struggling to navigate the health system and often don’t know where to begin, resulting in trips to hospital emergency departments or, sadly, doing nothing at all. There is also still a stigma associated with...