Patient Access to their Health Information is Growing — but there is Still Work to be Done
In 2014 Infoway published “ Understanding the Gap Between Desire for and Use of Consumer Health Solutions .” This analysis revealed that while eight in 10 Canadians wanted access to their personal health information, only four per cent had accessed it...
Digital Health
Digital Health and COVID-19
Much of the world’s attention since we began the new decade has been focused on the identification and spread of the Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet declared it a global pandemic, the virus has...
Better Communication through e-Prescribing
Communication is key for any team. This is especially true in health care, where siloed services and a fragmented system can make it difficult to provide efficient care.
Virtual Care
Ask Your Pharmacist: Expertise at Your Fingertips
According to a recent study, nearly nine in 10 Canadians consult the internet for health information. [1] Unfortunately, “Dr. Google” isn’t always a trustworthy source. False and misleading information can put people at risk, sometimes with...
Digital Health
Collaborating to Improve Access to Care for Canadians
Canadians want better access to health care and services and they are keen to go online, from their mobile phones or other devices, to view lab test results and other personal health information.
Patient Perspectives
Meet the Engaged Patients
How involved are you in making decisions and taking action to improve your health and wellness? How confident do you feel navigating the health system?
Want to Combat the Opioid Crisis? e-Prescribing could be Part of the Solution
Both here in Canada and south of the border people are grappling with the cascading effects that opioids are having on individuals, health systems, social services and more. Families and governments alike are seeking accountability for the crisis in...
Patient Perspectives
Website Helps Canadians Understand Pathology Reports
Have you ever received a pathology report from your doctor and wondered what everything meant? Did you go home and Google the medical terms? Were you frustrated that you couldn’t find what you were looking for, or that everything seemed to be intended...
Digital Health
Transforming the Patient Experience with Telehomecare
Telehomecare is enabling more Canadians to receive care at home, transforming the patient experience and helping to improve their quality of life by avoiding hospital stays and trips to the emergency department. It has also saved a significant amount of...
Digital Health
The Unintended Consequences of Health Care Advances
The past several decades have seen tremendous advances in medical care. As a society, we often celebrate these results and applaud how innovation has improved our health and our lives overall. But what is often overlooked are the unintended — and often...
Digital Health
“Axe the Fax” – Pharmacist Discusses Efficiency and Reliability with PrescribeIT
This blog post builds upon a conversation with pharmacist Abhay Patel during our PrescribeIT ® panel webinar on March 28, 2019.
Kids Help Phone Crisis Texting Service Help Young People Avoid Emergency Department Visits
In our previous post , we discussed the expansion of Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone and the demographics of its users. Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is available across Canada. In just one year, there have been more than...
Access to Care
The Right Data, the Right Decisions: Why Patients Need Access to Their Health Information
When it comes to health, little things can catch us by surprise. During a recent chat, my colleague Katie related, “I was hiking last summer when I cut myself on dirty metal. Just a random accident, my hand hit a railing wrong.”
Supporting Young People with Mental Health Needs Through Kids Help Phone Enables Better Self Management
Over the past few years, Infoway has been investing in the expansion of Kids Help Phone services to young people in Canada. Kids Help Phone is the only 24/7, national support service in Canada that offers professional counselling, information and...
Innovative Digital Solutions for Mental Health Care
Canadians with mental health issues are struggling to navigate the health system and often don’t know where to begin, resulting in trips to hospital emergency departments or, sadly, doing nothing at all. There is also still a stigma associated with...
Digital Health
Click here to Accept – but what are we Unknowingly Giving Away?
Do you regularly fill out quizzes or subscribe to apps that track and collect details about your health or wellness habits? If so, you’ve likely clicked “agree” without actually reading what you are agreeing to — and you are not alone.
Digital Health
Patients Need Access to their Health Information
I’ve been a practising physician for 10 years and, as a clinician, I’ve always understood the importance of giving patients access to their health information. A recent experience helped me see things from the patient’s point of view, making me even...
Digital Health
Emboldening Meaningful Use of EMRs in Canada
In our previous post we highlighted a leading insight from the 2018 Canadian Physician Survey where 92 per cent of family physicians who use six to nine EMR functionalities stated that they ‘provide more efficient health care with electronic records.’...
Digital Health
Advanced Users of EMRs Achieve Greater Efficiencies
Physicians are extremely busy. That’s why it’s important to identify solutions that can increase efficiency. One such solution is meaningful use of electronic medical records (EMR) — physicians that use more advanced functionalities in their EMR report...
Digital Health
It’s Time for Digital Tools to Change the Face of Health Care
As a practicing physician it is imperative that my day-to-day effort is focused on providing the best patient care possible. Unfortunately, much of my time is spent on administrative duties. The bulk of the paperwork on my desk each day is communication...