News & Events
Digital Health
Infoway’s Projectathon 2023: Running the Race in Partnership
Projectathons can be considered connectivity test marathons for specific projects. Like athletic marathons, they take planning, dedication, preparation and perseverance to succeed.
Digital Health
Infoway’s Projectathon 2023: Building Blocks towards Connected Care
We're collaborating with our stakeholders to help ensure the health system is connected, equitable and sustainable. Learn more about our recent Projectathon and why it's an important building block towards connected care.
Digital Health
World Health Day 2023 — Health for All, by All
Help celebrate the World Health Organization’s 75th anniversary and learn more about the public health successes during the last seven decades and the action needed to tackle the health challenges of today — and tomorrow.
Digital Health
Four Things Patient Partners Want You to Know
We caught up with four patient partners — Anne O’Riordan, Flavie Laliberté, Sandra Ketler and Arun Bala — for a podcast discussion about the perspectives and experiences that patients, families and caregivers bring.
Digital Health
Patient Access to Their Health Information — How Far Have We Come?
To enable more patients to access their health information electronically, we need to keep collaborating across the health ecosystem to ensure that different parts of the health system can talk to each other.
Digital Health
Reflecting on Partnerships and Connections in Care
At the 2022 Infoway Partnership Conference, the digital health community came together to discuss how to help drive digital health forward. Learn more about one of the main themes that emerged.
Digital Health
Digital Health Week 2022 — Celebrating Connected Care
Digital health improves the patient experience, improves the clinician experience and helps us realize health system efficiencies.
Digital Health
Moving Forward through Reconciliation and Relationality
Hear from an Indigenous owned public relations agency about an Indigenous research methodology and learn more about what it means to move forward through reconciliation and relationality.
Digital Health
How Privacy Enables Interoperability
In this blog post we delve into the role privacy plays in the creation of interoperable health systems. Read it now to find out why privacy considerations are an enabler for health system interoperability, rather than a barrier to it.
Digital Health
Collaborating to Make Health Care More Digital
Read about Infoway’s achievements during 2021-2022, and our collaborations with governments, health care organizations, clinicians, patients and others to make health care in Canada more digital.
Digital Health
Connection and Collaboration at the First Canadian Projectathon
While it’s important interoperable health systems and solutions “speak the same language,” the people using them need common understanding as well. Learn how collaborative activities, like the first pan-Canadian Projectathon, can help.
Digital Health
Collaborating to Modernize Canada’s Organ Donation and Transplantation Systems
CIHI and Infoway are co-leading a project that will modernize Canada’s ODT data management and performance reporting systems. Learn how this initiative will improve consistency and quality of ODT data across Canada and expand its use for decision-making.
Digital Health
World Health Day 2022: Our Planet, Our Health
The theme of World Health Day 2022 is Our Planet, Our Health. As COVID-19 restrictions ease across the country and the promise of spring gives us hope that better days are coming, this year’s World Health Day theme is especially relevant.
Digital Health
Building an AI Future with a Toolkit for Implementers
Implementing AI is a unique challenge compared to other health care innovations. And so, Infoway has developed the “Toolkit for Implementers of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care.”
Digital Health
Digital Health Week 2021: Celebrating All Things Digital Health!
Digital Health Week is an annual celebration of the cumulative progress that we have all made in providing a safer, more accessible and efficient health system for patients, families, caregivers and providers.
Digital Health
Curbing Climate Change with Virtual Care
As the world examines the outcomes of COP26 and the ongoing climate emergency, many of us working in health care are reminded that the health sector itself is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Learn how virtual care can help contribute to...
Digital Health
The Importance of Standards in Health Care
Join us in celebrating World Standards Day and learn more about the digital health standards that Infoway releases, which provide the technical nuts and bolts that drive interoperability in Canadian health care.
Digital Health
Celebrating 20 Years of Progress
2021 marks Infoway’s 20th anniversary — a significant milestone for our organization. While we have made tremendous progress in digital health over the past 20 years, there is still more work to be done to ensure that Canadians have the health system...
Digital Health
Privacy Legislation Reform in Canada
Increasing use of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the introduction of new contact tracing applications and discussions around vaccine passports, raised new and highlighted existing privacy considerations this past year. As the...
Digital Health
Integration of ICNP into SNOMED CT Brings Voice to Nursing Practice
The 2020 agreement between SNOMED International and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) is an opportunity to highlight the clinical work of nursing. The ICN is a federation of more than 130 national nurses’ associations worldwide. Under the...
Digital Health
Digital Health Week: 2020
I think it’s fair to say that 2020 hasn’t been what anyone expected — particularly for health care. But while this year has brought immense challenges to the health system, it has also served to highlight the progress we’ve made in implementing digital...
Digital Health
We Love our Online Devices — now It’s Time to Show Them We Care
Fall is often a time when we think about new starts and new beginnings. Like many parents, I have a stepson starting university. As a security professional, I worry about an online world that has become even more “virtualized” as a result of COVID-19....
Digital Health
How Standards Protect our Planet
World Standards Day (October 14) recognizes the collaborative efforts of experts across the globe to develop the standards underpinning our work in digital health. This year, the fragility of our human, health and environmental systems feels...
Digital Health
Interoperability on FHIR
Whether you’re a physician sending diagnostic imaging across the country or a patient checking lab results on a smartphone, it’s essential that different health information systems and devices can talk to each other. This mutually intelligible flow of...
Digital Health
How One Parser Enables Interoperability for Cancer Care
If there is a universal truth about health care, it’s this: there are a lot of forms. However, not all of them are created equal. Often, the data captured is static — it can’t be independently shared or queried.
Digital Health
Connecting Canadians Through Health Care Innovation
We are pleased to publish our 2019-2020 Annual Report – Connecting Canadians Through Health Care Innovation . I hope you will take some time to review it to learn about the collective progress we’ve made across the country to improve Canadians’ access...
Digital Health
Telepathology in Canada
When disease is suspected, how long does it take a patient to go from biopsy to diagnosis and treatment plan? It depends where you live. Across Canada, it can take anywhere from days, weeks, or months.
Digital Health
World Health Day 2020: Gratitude and Service
The World Health Organization (WHO) established World Health Day in 1948 to raise awareness of the importance of health. On this World Health Day, that simple message – health is important – has never been more relevant.
Digital Health
Standards Community Responds Quickly to COVID-19 Crisis with New Concepts and Terms
Health care organizations need the ability to share health information consistently and efficiently, and the current COVID-19 public health emergency illustrates why.
Digital Health
Digital Health and COVID-19
Much of the world’s attention since we began the new decade has been focused on the identification and spread of the Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet declared it a global pandemic, the virus has...
Digital Health
Collaborating to Improve Access to Care for Canadians
Canadians want better access to health care and services and they are keen to go online, from their mobile phones or other devices, to view lab test results and other personal health information.
Digital Health
Transforming the Patient Experience with Telehomecare
Telehomecare is enabling more Canadians to receive care at home, transforming the patient experience and helping to improve their quality of life by avoiding hospital stays and trips to the emergency department. It has also saved a significant amount of...
Digital Health
The Unintended Consequences of Health Care Advances
The past several decades have seen tremendous advances in medical care. As a society, we often celebrate these results and applaud how innovation has improved our health and our lives overall. But what is often overlooked are the unintended — and often...
Digital Health
“Axe the Fax” – Pharmacist Discusses Efficiency and Reliability with PrescribeIT
This blog post builds upon a conversation with pharmacist Abhay Patel during our PrescribeIT ® panel webinar on March 28, 2019.
Digital Health
Click here to Accept – but what are we Unknowingly Giving Away?
Do you regularly fill out quizzes or subscribe to apps that track and collect details about your health or wellness habits? If so, you’ve likely clicked “agree” without actually reading what you are agreeing to — and you are not alone.
Digital Health
Patients Need Access to their Health Information
I’ve been a practising physician for 10 years and, as a clinician, I’ve always understood the importance of giving patients access to their health information. A recent experience helped me see things from the patient’s point of view, making me even...
Digital Health
Emboldening Meaningful Use of EMRs in Canada
In our previous post we highlighted a leading insight from the 2018 Canadian Physician Survey where 92 per cent of family physicians who use six to nine EMR functionalities stated that they ‘provide more efficient health care with electronic records.’...
Digital Health
Advanced Users of EMRs Achieve Greater Efficiencies
Physicians are extremely busy. That’s why it’s important to identify solutions that can increase efficiency. One such solution is meaningful use of electronic medical records (EMR) — physicians that use more advanced functionalities in their EMR report...
Digital Health
It’s Time for Digital Tools to Change the Face of Health Care
As a practicing physician it is imperative that my day-to-day effort is focused on providing the best patient care possible. Unfortunately, much of my time is spent on administrative duties. The bulk of the paperwork on my desk each day is communication...
Digital Health
Early PrescribeIT® Adopter Talks Benefits to Clinic Workflow, Staff and Patients
This blog post builds upon a conversation with Dr. Neil Naik during our PrescribeIT® panel webinar on March 28, 2019. Eighty-five per cent of family physicians now use electronic medical records (EMRs). This has laid the groundwork for a further...
Digital Health
Unsecure Data has no Place in the Health System
In our comprehensive health system, patients work with a myriad of health care professionals to meet their specific needs. Physicians, pharmacists, hospitals and personal support workers, to name a few, all contribute to a patient’s holistic care....
Digital Health
Why it’s Time to Retire the Fax Machine and Consider PrescribeIT™
As physicians, we constantly look for ways to improve our practice, including staying up-to-date on the latest research, guidelines and best practices to ensure we offer our patients the best care available. Part of this also includes making sure our...
Digital Health
Closing the Circle of Patient Care
Physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists and other clinicians all play an important role in patient care. In the current landscape of the health care system, providers far too often operate in silos. Despite this recognition, we still haven’t fully...
Digital Health
LOINC Celebrates 25 Years of Helping to Aid Diagnostic Decision Making
Follow @lindamonico On February 16, Canada joins the Regenstrief Institute in celebrating 25 years of LOINC®. It’s an unprecedented success in pursuing laboratory and clinical data exchange, and though you may not know it, you’re benefiting from LOINC.
Digital Health
Digital Health is a Crucial Pillar of the Future of Family Practice in Canada
As the health care needs of Canadian families evolve, structures providing care, such as primary care, must evolve accordingly. The Patient`s Medical Home (PMH) is the vision for the future of family practice presented by the College of Family...
Digital Health
Turning Hype into Value: IHE’s Important Role
In my digital health work here in Canada and around the world, I regularly hear the ill-framed, but nonetheless pertinent question, “With the rising popularity of FHIR, what is the role for IHE?” This question is pertinent because of how much hype...
Digital Health
Precision Medicine Requires Precision Communication and Precision Language
For as long as I have been working in health care, I have been hearing, reading and/or discussing the need for disparate IT and health care solutions to talk to each other — to communicate and share information.
Digital Health
e-Prescribing Improves Patient Safety Over Emailed and Auto-faxed Prescriptions
Email, auto-fax and e-prescribing — one of these methods of prescribing is not like the other. While on the surface, emailed and auto-faxed prescriptions may look the same as e-prescribing, there's a big difference between them when it comes to patient...
Digital Health
14% of Canadians Have Lost or Damaged a Prescription — and This Comes at a Cost
Prescriptions for medication are a regular part of the lives of most Canadians. A recent survey conducted by Nielsen and commissioned by Infoway found that 65 per cent of Canadians aged 18 and over have obtained a prescription in the past two years,...
Digital Health
Medication Non-adherence: Exploring the Tension Between Patient Safety and Patient Autonomy
It may be a surprising stat to some, but roughly 30 per cent of prescriptions generated in Canada by prescribers for their patients go unfilled.1 Reasons range from prescriptions that are lost or damaged, to the cost of the medications, to...
Digital Health
e-Prescribing Can Provide Some Much-needed Peace of Mind
I recently had an appointment with a specialist and she provided me with a prescription and booked a follow-up appointment in a month to check whether the medication was working. She also mentioned that sometimes the medication takes a good two weeks to...
Digital Health
Telehomecare: Receiving High Marks from Patients while Providing Significant Value for the Health Care System
Over the past decade, Infoway has been investing in telehomecare (also known as remote patient monitoring or RPM) programs in Canada, delivering health services to patients in the comfort of their own home.
Digital Health
Investments in Foundational Electronic Health Record Systems are Paying Off: Part Two of Two
As I mentioned in Part One of this blog post, Infoway recently released the results of a pan-Canadian study about the value of connected health information. Connected Health Information in Canada: A Benefits Evaluation Study , found that the growing use...
Digital Health
Acute Care Utilization Rates Drastically Decrease for Home Health Monitoring Patients on Vancouver Island
At Island Health, we believe in assessing the value of the projects we undertake, and I was brought on to Island Health’s Home Health Monitoring (HHM) team to help evaluate the program and produce a report measuring the program’s overall success. One of...
Digital Health
How Connected is Your Health Information?
What does connected health information mean to you? For me, it means that when I show up at my upcoming medical appointment with my midwife who is managing my pregnancy, she can see my latest lab test results to make sure my iron and glucose levels are...
Digital Health
EMRs Have Become Essential Tools for Physicians
We live in the age of information. Medicine in particular is experiencing a rapid expansion of the volume of knowledge 1 , and physicians must manage this information efficiently to care effectively for their patients.
Digital Health
Patient Advisor: Reflections on Partnership Conference
I first became involved in patient/health advocacy when I became an accidental advocate for my brother, who was dying from cancer. Following this, I was an advocate for my father when he was dying from cancer. My advocacy became a full time job and a...
Digital Health
A Patient Partner’s Reflections on the Infoway Partnership Conference
As one of the patient partners awarded a scholarship to attend this Patients Included conference, I was very grateful and pleased to be able to bring a patient lens to the event. We were warmly included and appreciated at the Partnership Conference....
Digital Health
Telehomecare Enables Patients to Become Their Own Change Agents
If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be remotely monitoring patients with chronic diseases using smart devices in the comfort of their homes I would never have believed you.
Digital Health
Patient Portals Enable Proactive — Rather Than Reactive — Health Care
My experience with eHealth Saskatchewan’s Citizen Health Information Portal (CHIP) began in the spring of 2016. A request went out to residents of Saskatchewan to sign on to the pilot project; I did, and became one of the initial 1,000 participants.
Digital Health
Digital Health Can Enable Better Health Outcomes
Posted on November 13, 2017 by Nancy Lefebre With an important focus in health care on person- and family-centered care, the move towards technology seems common-sense. People are using technology to make their lives easier. We have heard time and...
Digital Health
EMR Adoption in Canada on the Rise
Six years ago when I began my role at Infoway, adoption of electronic medial records among primary care practices in Canada was at 56 per cent. In the next two years, through partnerships and collaboration we established a growing body of evidence...
Digital Health
Telehomecare: Remote Data Monitoring Can Promote Self-Management of Health
So what is telehomecare and what does it do? Telehomecare is a remote monitoring system where a patient, with a specific, identified chronic disease is set up in their home with monitoring devices such as an electronic tablet, blood pressure cuff,...
Digital Health
e-Prescribing: Safety. Quality. Both.
I’m looking forward to e-prescribing for the convenience and efficiency, but also for the potential enhancements in quality and safety.
Digital Health
One Quarter of Canadians Using Connected Objects to Track their Health and Well-being
Internet of Things refers to connected objects that have a variety of uses and a capacity to communicate and transfer data.
Digital Health
Navigating the Realities of Citizens’ Access to their Heath Information: Direct Access to Laboratory Results in Canada
Across the world, citizen’s access to their own health information through secure online tools are becoming a hallmark of modernized health care systems and a catalyst for advancing access to health services and person-centered models of care.
Digital Health
Remote Patient Care = Fewer Hospital Stays
Remote patient care (RPC) is just one digital health innovation that is transforming the delivery of health care in Canada. Infoway recently released a new whiteboard animation that explores the benefits of RPC (also known as remote patient monitoring...
Clinicians and Digital Health Leaders Say Driving Interoperability Forward is a High Priority for Canada
The valuable insights we gathered from our recent study will help Infoway and our partners overcome interoperability challenges so patients, clinicians and our health system can realize the benefits of more connected care.
Infoway Insights: An Innovative Way to Learn About Digital Health
Infoway has conducted annual surveys of Canadians for many years, to gauge awareness, attitudes, use and adoption of digital health. Learn how our Infoway Insights website makes this research more accessible to health system stakeholders.
Our Ideal Future Starts Today: World Health Day 2021
Follow @12Maloney Each year, April 7 marks World Health Day. With the past year marked by the global struggle against COVID-19, the occasion has never been more significant. The pandemic’s impact has been devastating and swift; not one person or nation...
Promising Increase in the Use of Virtual Care Technologies by Canadian Nurses
Nurses comprise the largest proportion of Canada’s health care providers. The most recent data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)’s Nursing in Canada, 2019 survey reveals that the regulated nursing workforce grew by 1.9 per cent...
Environmentally Sustainable Health Care
What happens when a pandemic meets a heat wave? It’s a question that many jurisdictions are asking themselves this summer, weighing the need for emergency cooling centres against the continued need for physical distancing. This intersection between...
Patient Access to their Health Information is Growing — but there is Still Work to be Done
In 2014 Infoway published “ Understanding the Gap Between Desire for and Use of Consumer Health Solutions .” This analysis revealed that while eight in 10 Canadians wanted access to their personal health information, only four per cent had accessed it...
Patient Perspectives
Driving Digital Health Literacy
With more digital health tools and services, it can be difficult to know where to start. As we look beyond the pandemic, it’s clear that digital health literacy skills are becoming indispensable for patients, families and caregivers.
Patient Perspectives
How the Digital Health Learning Program Can Support Essential Care Partners
This week is Canadian Patient Safety Week! Led by Healthcare Excellence Canada, this annual campaign aims to inspire extraordinary improvement in patient safety and quality. This year’s theme is, “Who knows? Essential Care Partners do.”
Patient Perspectives
Modernizing Prescribing Practices to Improve Patient Care
As I enter my “prime” years of life (yes, the sixties), I find myself needing a few more prescriptions than in the past. At my last annual physical, my doctor gave me a handwritten prescription, which I quickly lost somewhere between the car and my...
Patient Perspectives
Supporting Patients’ Digital Health Literacy
Physical distancing, social circles, contact tracing, R0 numbers…over the past few months, we’ve adapted quickly to a wide range of new terms and concepts in order to stay healthy. For many Canadians, this information is largely new, the COVID-19...
Patient Perspectives
Engaged Patients Part II: Engaged Patients and Virtual Care
It’s a brave new world in health care. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Canadians have turned increasingly to virtual care.
Patient Perspectives
Meet the Engaged Patients
How involved are you in making decisions and taking action to improve your health and wellness? How confident do you feel navigating the health system?
Patient Perspectives
Website Helps Canadians Understand Pathology Reports
Have you ever received a pathology report from your doctor and wondered what everything meant? Did you go home and Google the medical terms? Were you frustrated that you couldn’t find what you were looking for, or that everything seemed to be intended...
Virtual Care
Taking the Journey Towards Equitable Virtual Care
Virtual care is one way we can expand safe access to care. But like every health service, virtual care needs to be equitable: matched to the person it’s serving, and not limited by social and digital determinants of health.
Virtual Care
Cybersecurity Tips for Virtual Visits
Throughout the pandemic, Canadians have been spending more time online. While the internet has helped us stay connected to each other and our health care providers, it’s important to make sure that we’re staying safe and secure.
Virtual Care
Virtual Care is Here to Stay
Virtual care is here to stay. According to the 2021 National Survey of Canadian Physicians , 94 per cent of respondents are currently using virtual care, and almost all of them plan to use virtual care after the pandemic ends. What’s more, 64 per cent...
Virtual Care
Delivering on the Promise of Virtual Care
Follow @MGreenonHealth While the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of virtual care across Canada, there needs to be a concerted effort to ensure that it will be a viable alternative model of care well into the future. Canadians want virtual...
Virtual Care
2020: A Virtual Care Retrospective
The zeitgeist of 2020 has already been well documented by many wise individuals. But suffice it to say, this has been a year like no other in recent memory, and one that has left an indelible mark on the health care landscape.
Virtual Care
After a Breakout Year for Digital Health, What’s Next?
This week, I’m proud to join Canadian health system leaders in celebrating Digital Health Week — a time to recognize how digital health is transforming the delivery of care. When I think of the changes brought about by this pandemic, the “overnight”...
Virtual Care
Back to School with Tel-jeunes/LigneParents
A new school year can be exciting — and stressful. Academic anxieties, bullying, romances and peer pressure add up to considerable weight on young shoulders. Heading back to the classroom during a pandemic only heightens that stress, for kids and...
Virtual Care
Plugged In: Canadian Adolescents’ use of e-Mental Health Tools
Growing up is hard to do, especially online. Adolescence has always brought challenges, but the COVID-19 pandemic has added substantial stress to the lives of youth and young adults across Canada. Physical distancing, uncertainty around schooling and...
Virtual Care
Virtual Care is Growing — but Clinicians Need Modern Tools
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been struck by the rapidity of events. This has been a fast-moving virus, but the response to it has been just as swift. In digital health, strong collaboration and leadership have helped to accomplish the policy...
Virtual Care
Supporting Men’s Mental Health with Digital Tools
How are you holding up? No, really, how are you feeling? Specifically, in terms of your mental health?
Virtual Care
Virtual Beats Viral
It’s been nine weeks since I came home and stayed home. In that time, we’ve seen extraordinary growth of virtual care across Canada. As our health system faces unprecedented challenges, virtual care has proven to be an invaluable tool.
Virtual Care
A Front Line Look at Virtual Care: Part Two
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, virtual care is filling a larger role in health care. Telephones, video chats and secure messaging allow clinics to keep their digital doors open while ensuring that clinicians and patients stay safe and maintain...
Virtual Care
A Front Line Look at Virtual Care
It’s an uncertain and frightening time for health care. The COVID-19 virus has brought unprecedented new challenges for the health system; we are all in uncharted territory as we attempt to flatten the curve. But while it isn’t business as usual for...
Virtual Care
Going Virtual in a Time of Crisis
In February, the Canadian Medical Association, working with the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, released their Virtual Care Task Force’s report entitled “ Virtual Care Recommendations...
Virtual Care
Ask Your Pharmacist: Expertise at Your Fingertips
According to a recent study, nearly nine in 10 Canadians consult the internet for health information. [1] Unfortunately, “Dr. Google” isn’t always a trustworthy source. False and misleading information can put people at risk, sometimes with...
Access to Care
A Collaborative Effort to Amplify Digital Mental Health Awareness and Access
With long wait times to access specialty mental health, high costs of privately delivered mental health care, and cultural barriers, evidence-informed digital mental health tools and programs have emerged to expand awareness and access to mental health...
Access to Care
World Patient Safety Day 2021: Digital Health for Perinatal Care
This year’s theme for World Patient Safety Day is “Safe Maternal and Newborn Care.” Earlier this year, we held a podcast interview with Dr. Ariel Dalfen, Head of the Perinatal Mental Health and Perinatal Mental Health Telemedicine Programs at Mount...
Access to Care
Preparing for Fall with e-Mental Health Resources
As another school year begins and the summer winds down, many Canadians are checking in on their mental health. Infoway research has found that fewer Canadians self-reported “Excellent” or “Very Good” mental health status after the pandemic’s onset, and...
Access to Care
A New Resource for Digital Mental Health
Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) collaborated with Canada Health Infoway to develop a resource to support mental health clinicians and clients in introducing digital mental health tools into their care practice. This...
Access to Care
New Channels for Digital Health Research
Underpinning digital health adoption and implementation is a substantial amount of digital health research. At Infoway, we conduct research into the value of digital health tools and services and the resources that help enable them. This work helps...
Access to Care
Re-Examining the Social Determinants of Health
The COVID-19 pandemic has concretely demonstrated the impact that social factors can have on health and health equity. Health inequities occur when a person experiences poorer outcomes and quality of care based on who they are, where they live or what...
Access to Care
Canadian Men’s Health Month: Examining Access to Care
June is Canadian Men’s Health Month. Established by the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation, this month recognizes the importance of men’s health. This year’s theme is Move for Your Mental Health , encouraging men to get active to improve their physical...
Access to Care
Assessing Canadians’ Digital Health Literacy
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed rapid change in how Canadians engage with health care professionals. According to an Infoway survey , as of April 2021, 36 per cent of all patient-reported routine visits were conducted...
Access to Care
Connecting the Hospital and the Home
As digital health tools and services play an increasingly large role in Canadians’ lives, how we think about models of care delivery is changing. In some cases, health care is moving out of the four walls of the hospital and into the home. Recently, we...
Access to Care
#WeAnswerTheCall: National Nursing Week 2021
National Nursing Week occurs every year during the week of May 12: the birthdate of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. It celebrates the nursing profession and recognizes the dedication and contributions of nurses across Canada. This year’s theme is...
Access to Care
Mental Health Week 2021: Supporting Youth through e-Mental Health
The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just threatened Canadians’ physical health. It’s impacting mental health as well. According to Infoway research, mental health needs are increasing, with 21 per cent of Canadians reporting fair or poor mental health last...
Access to Care
How to Find PrescribeIT Near You
In a recent Infoway study, 80 per cent of respondents were interested in having their health provider send a prescription directly to their pharmacy, without receiving a paper prescription. With 40 per cent of primary care visits now occurring...
Access to Care
How e-Mental Health Tools Can Support Canadians — through COVID-19 and Beyond
COVID-19 has further exacerbated mental health concerns in Canada. In a recent study conducted by Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), fewer people reported excellent (18 per cent) or very good (31 per cent ) mental health status in 2020 compared to 2019...
Access to Care
Why Virtual Care needs to be Inclusive
Nearly one year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, it is apparent that its effects have been disproportionately felt by Black and racialized Canadians. Research shows that Black people are more likely to contract COVID-19 than white people and are dying...
Access to Care
Unprecedented Times Call for Unprecedented Collaboration
As we acknowledge the one-year anniversary of the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, many of us will reflect on how this virus, that didn’t even exist eighteen months ago, has irrevocably changed our world. It’s astounding to think that every...
Access to Care
Let’s Talk: Accessing Support through e-Mental Health Services
Staying home and wearing masks is protecting our physical health — but it’s important to look after our mental health as well. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there is growing concern about Canadians’ mental health. According to a recent Infoway...
Access to Care
Addressing Health Care Inequities through Race-Based Data
A virus may not discriminate on its own, but systemic inequities mean that COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted racialized groups. Data from the United States and the United Kingdom show higher rates of negative health outcomes and deaths related to...
Access to Care
Beyond the Binary: Sex and Gender Information in EHRs
It’s unsettling, going unseen. Several years ago, I sat in an exam room with Kleenex scrunched in my fist. The clinician had just suggested a common procedure — except it wouldn’t be routine for me. Quite the opposite. As she did her best to offer...
Access to Care
The Right Data, the Right Decisions: Why Patients Need Access to Their Health Information
When it comes to health, little things can catch us by surprise. During a recent chat, my colleague Katie related, “I was hiking last summer when I cut myself on dirty metal. Just a random accident, my hand hit a railing wrong.”
Access to Care
Improving Access to Care for Canadians: Infoway’s Plan for 2019-2020
Follow @MGreenonHealth A few months ago, Infoway launched a movement called ACCESS 2022 to inspire a new day for health care in Canada. We envision a future where all Canadians have access to their health information through the availability and use of...
Access to Care
The Evolution of Patient Engagement
Patients spend 8,760 hours a year managing their health. There is no doubt they are health care experts and have an incredible depth and breadth of lived experience invaluable to a learning health care system.
The Right Tools are Available to Help Pharmacists Handle Increase in Patients
As more patients seek care through their local pharmacies, it’s important that we implement the right tools to support pharmacists’ workloads.
e-Prescribing Supports Transitions of Care
Learn how PrescribeIT is ramping up efforts in the hospital sector and how the service can support transitions of care.
Still Using a Fax for Prescriptions? There’s a Better Way With e-Prescribing
Learn about the shortcomings of using fax in the prescription process and why e-prescribing is the more efficient choice.
Enhancing Patient Safety through Better Medication Management
Read about the different ways e-prescribing can help improve medication management.
Reducing Prescription Fraud and Misuse through e-Prescribing
Dr. Rashaad Bhyat explains how e-prescribing improves drug safety and reduces fraudulent and inappropriate use of prescription drugs.
Why Canadians Prefer e-Prescribing Through PrescribeIT
Read about our recent survey results, which highlight the positive impact that PrescribeIT has had for patients, prescribers and pharmacists.
Modernizing Health care: A Timeline of PrescribeIT’s Success
Learn more about PrescribeIT’s recent growth and key milestones we’ve achieved to move closer to fulfilling our vision of providing safer and more effective medication management to all Canadians, prescribers, and pharmacies.
Connecting with Clinicians During the Spring 2023 Conference Season
With the spring conference season in full swing, the PrescribeIT team has several opportunities to connect with prescribers, pharmacists and industry experts at upcoming conferences across Canada this month.
e-Prescribing Connects Pharmacists with a Patient’s Circle of Care as their Roles Expand
With an expanded scope of practice, pharmacists need access to tools that enable faster, more effective communication with prescribers. In this guest blog post, learn how e-prescribing connects pharmacists with a patient’s circle of care.
The Value of Using Digital Health Tools for Collaborative Patient Care
Infoway's Director of Pharmacy Relations and Deployment shares how using digital health tools, such as PrescribeIT®, can support pharmacists in collaborative patient care.
Exploring the Use and Impact of e-Prescribing on Pharmacy Practice
Prescribing practices in Canada are changing and according to a new survey, those switching to e-prescribing value the ability to reduce fraud and improve patient safety.
e-Prescribing Tools Can Help Reduce Administrative Burden for Physicians
As health care systems struggle with physician shortages, it’s increasingly important to prioritize implementing digital health tools, such as e-prescribing, to help streamline cumbersome processes and allow clinicians to focus more of their time on...
e-Prescribing Helps First Nations Toward Improved Health Care
Digital health technology, such as e-prescribing, may not magically bridge the barriers to health care access, but it can be taken up as one very useful component. Find out how it’s helping First Nations in the journey toward improved health care.
A Little Inconvenience is a Small Price to Pay for Safer, more Convenient Care
When it comes to e-prescribing, the little inconveniences that we must all go through are worth it, because in the end they mean safer, and yes, more convenient, patient care. Learn more about the steps PrescribeIT takes to prioritize patient safety and...
Providing Safe, Efficient Care Requires a Fast and Effective Communications Tool
Tarek Hussein used to spend a lot of time trying to get faxed prescriptions filled. Now, with PrescribeIT, prescriptions are sent prepopulated right into patient profiles in his pharmacy management system, enabling him to process prescriptions in a much...
Gain Insight into Prescriptions and Improve Communications with PrescribeIT
Is that a “3” or an “8” written on the prescription? Did the pharmacy receive the prescription cancel notification that was faxed over? Questions like these are what many prescribers and pharmacists have worried about. And they are the reason why...
e-Prescribing Can Help Alleviate the Strain Caused by Increased Demand for Mental Health and Addictions Services
Supporting the treatment of mental health concerns has never been more important, as the demand for services has only increased in recent years. Implementing a digital health tool like PrescribeIT, that is designed to integrate seamlessly with systems...
e-Prescribing: Finding Balance Between In-Person and Virtual Care
While virtual care should never replace in-person appointments, physicians, pharmacists, and patients alike have experienced how complementary virtual care and digital health tools like e-prescribing can be for in-person appointments, ushering in a new...
Canadians’ Perceptions of e-Prescribing
Canadians' appetite for digital health services and solutions is growing, despite the health care system lagging other industries when it comes to digitization. Find out what Canadians think about e-prescribing and learn how it can help make our health...
Pharmacy Appreciation Month: A Pharmacist’s Perspective on how we can Improve Collaboration with Prescribers
As we celebrate Pharmacy Appreciation Month, let’s show our appreciation by listening to pharmacist’s needs and supporting them with the right technology and tools so they can collaborate efficiently with other health care professionals to ensure...
Enhancing the Safety and Integrity of Canada’s Health System
The pandemic has fast tracked the role technology plays in health care and it has presented Canada with an opportunity to be a global innovator. One way Canada is making strides is the way prescriptions are written and shared, which is being transformed...
2021 at a Glance: PrescribeIT
For the PrescribeIT team, 2021 was a year of rewarding partnerships, ongoing engagements and improvements, and the expansion of our service to more Canadians than ever.
Reporting from the National PrescribeIT Policy and Priorities Table
The PrescribeIT Policy and Priorities Table brings together a broad group of stakeholders to discuss where e-prescribing should go, convening many voices around the same table.
How do I…Ensure Vacation Coverage with PrescribeIT?
In this occasional blog series, we’ll explore some of PrescribeIT’s features and functionalities in-depth. This installment explores your questions about PrescribeIT® and vacation coverage.
Safeguarding Canadians’ Health Information through e-Prescribing
Cyber attacks that affect the integrity of health care hit Canadians where it hurts most. That is why it is more critical than ever for prescribers, pharmacists and patients to choose trusted providers within the digital care space that prioritize...
Prescribing Excellence at the Virtual Infoway Partnership Series
We are in a new era of virtual learning. The next session in our Virtual Infoway Partnership Series takes place on October 19, with the theme Prescribing Excellence. With more than half of all patient visits to their care providers resulting in a...
How e-Prescribing Helped a Physician’s Practice
Over the last eighteen months, we’ve turned increasingly to technology to socialize, to shop, to work — and to access health care. As virtual care use grows, e-prescribing has claimed a vital place in clinicians’ toolkits. For Dr. Soreya Dhanji, the...
How do I…Onboard with PrescribeIT? (For Pharmacists)
PrescribeIT® is Canada’s national e-prescribing service. It integrates seamlessly between an electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS), enabling prescribers to digitally send prescription data directly to a...
How do I…Onboard with PrescribeIT? (For Prescribers)
PrescribeIT® is Canada’s national e-prescribing service. It integrates seamlessly between an electronic medical record (EMR) and the pharmacy management system (PMS), enabling prescribers to digitally send prescription data directly to a...
Pharmacy Appreciation Month: How We Can Support Pharmacists Through Effective Technology
March is Pharmacy Appreciation Month , a yearly national campaign to celebrate pharmacists and their contributions to Canada’s health system. This year, the Canadian Pharmacists’ Association is shifting the event’s focus from “awareness” to...
2020 at a Glance: PrescribeIT
2020 was a year of immense innovation and resilience. From new partnerships with major retailers like Rexall and Shoppers Drug Mart, to supporting the adoption of virtual care, to new educational initiatives, the importance of PrescribeIT’s role as a...
e-Prescribing Saves Patients Time and Protects Their Health
When you’re feeling unwell, the last thing you want is to venture out on multiple errands. As we continue to stay home and implement physical distancing measures, I’m reminded of a story a patient recently related to me.
Why e-Prescribing is a Fundamental Component of Virtual Care
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed Canadians’ daily lives. Whether they’re staying masked or staying home, Canadians are making choices to protect their health and the health of their communities.
Ask a Peer with PrescribeIT
Have you been wondering if e-prescribing is right for you? Are you curious about the details and impact on your workflow? With Ask a Peer , we’re connecting you with health care professionals who have already begun their e-prescribing journey. Recently,...
How e-Prescribing Improves the Patient Experience
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve brought your prescription to the pharmacy, and the pharmacist wants to ask your prescriber a question about it. Unfortunately, the fax machine isn’t cooperating, and the phone line is busy.
How e-Prescriptions Can Help Reduce Risk in Opioid Prescribing
As the COVID-19 pandemic upends Canadians’ daily lives, a surge in opioid-related overdoses continues across Canada. Nearly 15,400 Canadians died from an opioid-related overdose between January 2016 and December 2019. While 2020 data continues to be...
Connecting Clinicians through e-Prescribing
Archimedes said it best: the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. For physician Dr. Jeffrey Steed, this is all too true when it comes to prescribing. Based in Coaldale, AB, his clinic was looking for more efficient ways to get...
Improving Services through Customer Centricity
We all know the old adage that “the customer is always right.” The philosophy of customer centricity takes the idea further: it means working in a way that focuses first on providing a positive customer experience.
Early Adoption of PrescribeIT Sets Lethbridge Doctors up for Success During COVID-19
When PrescribeIT® launched in Lethbridge, AB, in February 2018, it was the first community in the province to use the e-prescribing service. It was also among the first in the country.
Must-Haves in Workflow Excellence
Gone are the days when clinicians practiced at only one specific site. Currently, many work at a few different sites part-time, or even as a fill-in or relief. Like many of my colleagues, I provide patient care at a few different sites as a community...
How e-Prescribing Impacted a Nurse Practitioner’s Workflow
Have you ever wondered where a work day has gone? A few minutes troubleshooting here and there can add up with astonishing speed. In a busy clinic, those small diversions carry a heavy weight.
The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set — Our National Drug Terminology
In 2016, driven by Canada Health Infoway’s (Infoway’s) e-prescribing initiative , Infoway and Health Canada undertook a project to create the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set, a national drug terminology.
New PrescribeIT Program Will Enable Vendors to Quickly Integrate and Scale Virtual Care into Physician’s Existing EMRs
The world has changed significantly over the past few weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Terms such as “physical distancing” have entered the lexicon, parents are taking on the challenge of homeschooling and Zoom video meetings have become a...
Better Communication through e-Prescribing
Communication is key for any team. This is especially true in health care, where siloed services and a fragmented system can make it difficult to provide efficient care.
Want to Combat the Opioid Crisis? e-Prescribing could be Part of the Solution
Both here in Canada and south of the border people are grappling with the cascading effects that opioids are having on individuals, health systems, social services and more. Families and governments alike are seeking accountability for the crisis in...
Introducing Standardizations to Pharmacy Workflows Could Benefit Patients, Pharmacy Staff
One of the places I frequent is my local Tim Horton’s (very Canadian of me, eh?). When I’m picking up my medium steeped tea double-double, I marvel at the ability of the staff to complete orders in a timely, and accurate manner. Tim’s, and other...
There’s No Silver Bullet Solution to Solve the Opioid Crisis, but our Health Care System can Make Strides Forward
Follow @achilles_tanya In 2016 alone, opioids were responsible for almost one in 13 deaths across the country. Despite the attention that the opioid crisis has received from mainstream media and focused efforts by many in health care and law...
EMRs Have Paved the Way for True e-Prescribing, Improving Patient Safety
Follow @DrRBhyat The world around us has changed rapidly in the past few decades, as technological advances have accelerated — the Internet, smart phones and social media have all redefined the way that we interact in our daily lives.
Another Year of Tremendous Progress for PrescribeIT™
The PrescribeIT™ journey began three years ago with a commitment to the creation of a single, national e-prescribing service, enabling prescriptions to be electronically transmitted to a patient’s pharmacy of choice. By eliminating handwritten and faxed...
There’s a War for Your Data and Health Care is Next
Do you know how safe your personal health data is? When the Cambridge Analytica Facebook data scandal exploded onto news headlines, it put into question what we as consumers are willingly, and likely unknowingly, sharing about ourselves, and how that...
We Can Take Steps to Make Opioid Prescribing Safer
I was honoured in February to be asked to lead the work on the PrescribeIT™ Opioid Digital Health Strategy. It is a critical piece of work as we continue to see the number of deaths from opioid overdoses increase. In my time as a pharmacist, I have seen...
The Continuous Foresight Process: Infoway Would Like Your Help to Look into the Future of Health Care
It’s been an unprecedented time for health care, and innovation has helped support Canadians and the health system through COVID-19 and its challenges. Technology has played an important role in ensuring that Canadians can continue to access the care...
Upgrading Skills with the PrescribeIT Learning Centre
Our world is changing, and health care is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a swift pivot towards digital health tools. Secure messaging, virtual videoconferencing, remote patient monitoring platforms and other digital health technologies...
Getting Ready for a Quantum Future
Quantum computing no longer belongs to the realm of science fiction. It’s advancing to more practical, demonstrated applications and concepts. And while it’s still developing, it has present-day implications for health care.
Consulting Canadians About the Future of Health Care
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve often found myself grateful for the tools and technologies that have helped us to keep living our lives while grappling with this unprecedented health crisis. While we’ve remained apart, technology has helped us...
Technical Innovation is the Solution, if you Target the Right Problem
Canada’s health care system is a source of pride for most Canadians. We see health care in Canada as a reflection of who we are as a country, embodying our aspirations of innovation, fairness, caring, efficiency, equality, professionalism and standards...
Bringing Health Care into the Future
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health care changed overnight. Old processes and business models were tossed out; our every assumption had to be questioned. While no one would ever wish for such an unprecedented public health emergency, there...
Kids Help Phone Crisis Texting Service Help Young People Avoid Emergency Department Visits
In our previous post , we discussed the expansion of Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone and the demographics of its users. Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is available across Canada. In just one year, there have been more than...
Supporting Young People with Mental Health Needs Through Kids Help Phone Enables Better Self Management
Over the past few years, Infoway has been investing in the expansion of Kids Help Phone services to young people in Canada. Kids Help Phone is the only 24/7, national support service in Canada that offers professional counselling, information and...
Innovative Digital Solutions for Mental Health Care
Canadians with mental health issues are struggling to navigate the health system and often don’t know where to begin, resulting in trips to hospital emergency departments or, sadly, doing nothing at all. There is also still a stigma associated with...