Find answers to common questions about the Connected Care Innovation Grant.

Eligibility & Application Details

Applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Support grassroot clinical activities within Canada;
  • Align with one or more of Infoway’s Strategic Goals;
  • Include one or more of the following stakeholders:
    • Clinicians: These include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals.
    • Health Provider Groups: This includes primary care clinics (including but not limited to solo practitioner clinics, Primary Care Networks, Family Medicine Groups, Family Health Teams, Family Health Groups, Family Health Organizations, Community Health Centres, Aboriginal Health Access Centres, nurse practitioner-led clinics, etc.); specialist clinics.
    • Health Organizations and Providers: Examples include public health units, mental health service providers, OHTs, outpatient specialist clinics, home and community care, long term care, etc.

Funding Details

Applicants could receive between $25,000 and $50,000 to fund their project. While projects with budgets under $25,000 are also eligible, it will be dependent on funding availability. Smaller budget projects are encouraged to apply.

Review and Award Details

Submitted applications will be assessed by an evaluation committee which is compromised of subject matter experts working with Canada Health Infoway (e.g., physicians, nurses, pharmacists, etc.).