Committed to incorporating the patient experience

Patients Included

The Infoway Partnership Conference has been certified as Patients Included since 2017 and we’re proud to partner with patients, families and caregivers in our work.

The Patient Voice

We are proud the 2024 Infoway Partnership Conference is Patients Included.

This means we are “committed to incorporating the experience of patients as experts in living with their condition while ensuring that they are neither excluded nor exploited.” For more information on the Patients Included charter, please visit the website.

Patients Included status recognizes that the event has satisfied all five criteria as identified in the Patients Included charter.

We have partnered with three patient advisors who will be working with us from the earliest stages of planning the Partnership Conference to shape the program themes, select speakers, advise on the patient scholarship program, and ensure the best possible experience for patient/caregiver attendees. The patient advisors will be involved in the in-person development and hosting of patient networking spaces. They will also be present during the entirety of the conference, and they will participate in feedback sessions post-conference to ensure strengths and opportunities have been captured and will be reflected in future events.

If you have any questions about Patients Included at Partnership, please contact us.