Digital Health
Telehomecare: Receiving High Marks from Patients while Providing Significant Value for the Health Care System
Over the past decade, Infoway has been investing in telehomecare (also known as remote patient monitoring or RPM) programs in Canada, delivering health services to patients in the comfort of their own home.
Digital Health
Investments in Foundational Electronic Health Record Systems are Paying Off: Part Two of Two
As I mentioned in Part One of this blog post, Infoway recently released the results of a pan-Canadian study about the value of connected health information. Connected Health Information in Canada: A Benefits Evaluation Study , found that the growing use...
Digital Health
Acute Care Utilization Rates Drastically Decrease for Home Health Monitoring Patients on Vancouver Island
At Island Health, we believe in assessing the value of the projects we undertake, and I was brought on to Island Health’s Home Health Monitoring (HHM) team to help evaluate the program and produce a report measuring the program’s overall success. One of...
Digital Health
How Connected is Your Health Information?
What does connected health information mean to you? For me, it means that when I show up at my upcoming medical appointment with my midwife who is managing my pregnancy, she can see my latest lab test results to make sure my iron and glucose levels are...
Digital Health
EMRs Have Become Essential Tools for Physicians
We live in the age of information. Medicine in particular is experiencing a rapid expansion of the volume of knowledge 1 , and physicians must manage this information efficiently to care effectively for their patients.
Digital Health
Patient Advisor: Reflections on Partnership Conference
I first became involved in patient/health advocacy when I became an accidental advocate for my brother, who was dying from cancer. Following this, I was an advocate for my father when he was dying from cancer. My advocacy became a full time job and a...
Digital Health
A Patient Partner’s Reflections on the Infoway Partnership Conference
As one of the patient partners awarded a scholarship to attend this Patients Included conference, I was very grateful and pleased to be able to bring a patient lens to the event. We were warmly included and appreciated at the Partnership Conference....
Digital Health
Telehomecare Enables Patients to Become Their Own Change Agents
If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be remotely monitoring patients with chronic diseases using smart devices in the comfort of their homes I would never have believed you.
Digital Health
Patient Portals Enable Proactive — Rather Than Reactive — Health Care
My experience with eHealth Saskatchewan’s Citizen Health Information Portal (CHIP) began in the spring of 2016. A request went out to residents of Saskatchewan to sign on to the pilot project; I did, and became one of the initial 1,000 participants.
Digital Health
Digital Health Can Enable Better Health Outcomes
Posted on November 13, 2017 by Nancy Lefebre With an important focus in health care on person- and family-centered care, the move towards technology seems common-sense. People are using technology to make their lives easier. We have heard time and...
Digital Health
EMR Adoption in Canada on the Rise
Six years ago when I began my role at Infoway, adoption of electronic medial records among primary care practices in Canada was at 56 per cent. In the next two years, through partnerships and collaboration we established a growing body of evidence...
Digital Health
Telehomecare: Remote Data Monitoring Can Promote Self-Management of Health
So what is telehomecare and what does it do? Telehomecare is a remote monitoring system where a patient, with a specific, identified chronic disease is set up in their home with monitoring devices such as an electronic tablet, blood pressure cuff,...
Digital Health
e-Prescribing: Safety. Quality. Both.
I’m looking forward to e-prescribing for the convenience and efficiency, but also for the potential enhancements in quality and safety.
Digital Health
One Quarter of Canadians Using Connected Objects to Track their Health and Well-being
Internet of Things refers to connected objects that have a variety of uses and a capacity to communicate and transfer data.
Digital Health
Navigating the Realities of Citizens’ Access to their Heath Information: Direct Access to Laboratory Results in Canada
Across the world, citizen’s access to their own health information through secure online tools are becoming a hallmark of modernized health care systems and a catalyst for advancing access to health services and person-centered models of care.
Digital Health
Remote Patient Care = Fewer Hospital Stays
Remote patient care (RPC) is just one digital health innovation that is transforming the delivery of health care in Canada. Infoway recently released a new whiteboard animation that explores the benefits of RPC (also known as remote patient monitoring...