Digital Health
Digital Health Week 2022 — Celebrating Connected Care
Digital health improves the patient experience, improves the clinician experience and helps us realize health system efficiencies.
Clinicians and Digital Health Leaders Say Driving Interoperability Forward is a High Priority for Canada
The valuable insights we gathered from our recent study will help Infoway and our partners overcome interoperability challenges so patients, clinicians and our health system can realize the benefits of more connected care.
A Little Inconvenience is a Small Price to Pay for Safer, more Convenient Care
When it comes to e-prescribing, the little inconveniences that we must all go through are worth it, because in the end they mean safer, and yes, more convenient, patient care. Learn more about the steps PrescribeIT takes to prioritize patient safety and...
Digital Health
Moving Forward through Reconciliation and Relationality
Hear from an Indigenous owned public relations agency about an Indigenous research methodology and learn more about what it means to move forward through reconciliation and relationality.
Providing Safe, Efficient Care Requires a Fast and Effective Communications Tool
Tarek Hussein used to spend a lot of time trying to get faxed prescriptions filled. Now, with PrescribeIT, prescriptions are sent prepopulated right into patient profiles in his pharmacy management system, enabling him to process prescriptions in a much...
Virtual Care
Taking the Journey Towards Equitable Virtual Care
Virtual care is one way we can expand safe access to care. But like every health service, virtual care needs to be equitable: matched to the person it’s serving, and not limited by social and digital determinants of health.
Gain Insight into Prescriptions and Improve Communications with PrescribeIT
Is that a “3” or an “8” written on the prescription? Did the pharmacy receive the prescription cancel notification that was faxed over? Questions like these are what many prescribers and pharmacists have worried about. And they are the reason why...
Digital Health
How Privacy Enables Interoperability
In this blog post we delve into the role privacy plays in the creation of interoperable health systems. Read it now to find out why privacy considerations are an enabler for health system interoperability, rather than a barrier to it.
Digital Health
Collaborating to Make Health Care More Digital
Read about Infoway’s achievements during 2021-2022, and our collaborations with governments, health care organizations, clinicians, patients and others to make health care in Canada more digital.
e-Prescribing Can Help Alleviate the Strain Caused by Increased Demand for Mental Health and Addictions Services
Supporting the treatment of mental health concerns has never been more important, as the demand for services has only increased in recent years. Implementing a digital health tool like PrescribeIT, that is designed to integrate seamlessly with systems...
Digital Health
Connection and Collaboration at the First Canadian Projectathon
While it’s important interoperable health systems and solutions “speak the same language,” the people using them need common understanding as well. Learn how collaborative activities, like the first pan-Canadian Projectathon, can help.
e-Prescribing: Finding Balance Between In-Person and Virtual Care
While virtual care should never replace in-person appointments, physicians, pharmacists, and patients alike have experienced how complementary virtual care and digital health tools like e-prescribing can be for in-person appointments, ushering in a new...
Canadians’ Perceptions of e-Prescribing
Canadians' appetite for digital health services and solutions is growing, despite the health care system lagging other industries when it comes to digitization. Find out what Canadians think about e-prescribing and learn how it can help make our health...
Digital Health
Collaborating to Modernize Canada’s Organ Donation and Transplantation Systems
CIHI and Infoway are co-leading a project that will modernize Canada’s ODT data management and performance reporting systems. Learn how this initiative will improve consistency and quality of ODT data across Canada and expand its use for decision-making.
Infoway Insights: An Innovative Way to Learn About Digital Health
Infoway has conducted annual surveys of Canadians for many years, to gauge awareness, attitudes, use and adoption of digital health. Learn how our Infoway Insights website makes this research more accessible to health system stakeholders.
Digital Health
World Health Day 2022: Our Planet, Our Health
The theme of World Health Day 2022 is Our Planet, Our Health. As COVID-19 restrictions ease across the country and the promise of spring gives us hope that better days are coming, this year’s World Health Day theme is especially relevant.
Pharmacy Appreciation Month: A Pharmacist’s Perspective on how we can Improve Collaboration with Prescribers
As we celebrate Pharmacy Appreciation Month, let’s show our appreciation by listening to pharmacist’s needs and supporting them with the right technology and tools so they can collaborate efficiently with other health care professionals to ensure...
Enhancing the Safety and Integrity of Canada’s Health System
The pandemic has fast tracked the role technology plays in health care and it has presented Canada with an opportunity to be a global innovator. One way Canada is making strides is the way prescriptions are written and shared, which is being transformed...
2021 at a Glance: PrescribeIT
For the PrescribeIT team, 2021 was a year of rewarding partnerships, ongoing engagements and improvements, and the expansion of our service to more Canadians than ever.
Reporting from the National PrescribeIT Policy and Priorities Table
The PrescribeIT Policy and Priorities Table brings together a broad group of stakeholders to discuss where e-prescribing should go, convening many voices around the same table.