How e-Prescribing Impacted a Nurse Practitioner’s Workflow
Have you ever wondered where a work day has gone? A few minutes troubleshooting here and there can add up with astonishing speed. In a busy clinic, those small diversions carry a heavy weight.
The Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set — Our National Drug Terminology
In 2016, driven by Canada Health Infoway’s (Infoway’s) e-prescribing initiative , Infoway and Health Canada undertook a project to create the Canadian Clinical Drug Data Set, a national drug terminology.
New PrescribeIT Program Will Enable Vendors to Quickly Integrate and Scale Virtual Care into Physician’s Existing EMRs
The world has changed significantly over the past few weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Terms such as “physical distancing” have entered the lexicon, parents are taking on the challenge of homeschooling and Zoom video meetings have become a...
Better Communication through e-Prescribing
Communication is key for any team. This is especially true in health care, where siloed services and a fragmented system can make it difficult to provide efficient care.
Want to Combat the Opioid Crisis? e-Prescribing could be Part of the Solution
Both here in Canada and south of the border people are grappling with the cascading effects that opioids are having on individuals, health systems, social services and more. Families and governments alike are seeking accountability for the crisis in...
Introducing Standardizations to Pharmacy Workflows Could Benefit Patients, Pharmacy Staff
One of the places I frequent is my local Tim Horton’s (very Canadian of me, eh?). When I’m picking up my medium steeped tea double-double, I marvel at the ability of the staff to complete orders in a timely, and accurate manner. Tim’s, and other...
There’s No Silver Bullet Solution to Solve the Opioid Crisis, but our Health Care System can Make Strides Forward
Follow @achilles_tanya In 2016 alone, opioids were responsible for almost one in 13 deaths across the country. Despite the attention that the opioid crisis has received from mainstream media and focused efforts by many in health care and law...
EMRs Have Paved the Way for True e-Prescribing, Improving Patient Safety
Follow @DrRBhyat The world around us has changed rapidly in the past few decades, as technological advances have accelerated — the Internet, smart phones and social media have all redefined the way that we interact in our daily lives.
Another Year of Tremendous Progress for PrescribeIT™
The PrescribeIT™ journey began three years ago with a commitment to the creation of a single, national e-prescribing service, enabling prescriptions to be electronically transmitted to a patient’s pharmacy of choice. By eliminating handwritten and faxed...
There’s a War for Your Data and Health Care is Next
Do you know how safe your personal health data is? When the Cambridge Analytica Facebook data scandal exploded onto news headlines, it put into question what we as consumers are willingly, and likely unknowingly, sharing about ourselves, and how that...
We Can Take Steps to Make Opioid Prescribing Safer
I was honoured in February to be asked to lead the work on the PrescribeIT™ Opioid Digital Health Strategy. It is a critical piece of work as we continue to see the number of deaths from opioid overdoses increase. In my time as a pharmacist, I have seen...